TCA Community Science E.coli Sampling

TCA Community Science E.coli Sampling

Collect water samples for E. coli analysis from 12 to 13 sites in the Thornton Creek drainage. Every other Saturday morning three teams collect water from their respective sampling sites in Thornton Creek and Little Brook Creek. The samples are processed, incubated...
Channel Clearing & Sediment Removal for Flood Control from Kramer Ck. and South Fork Thornton Creek near Nathan Hale HS.

Channel Clearing & Sediment Removal for Flood Control from Kramer Ck. and South Fork Thornton Creek near Nathan Hale HS.

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is responsible for maintenance work on the City of Seattle’s waterways. Thornton Creek, as many know, is the largest of the urban drainages in both Seattle and Shoreline. Much of the maintenance revolves around keeping the channel open and flowing relatively unobstructed to minimize flooding in low lying residential areas.