TCA launches new committee to increase diversity within the organization

TCA launches new committee to increase diversity within the organization

Recently Thornton Creek Alliance (TCA) has formed a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to develop plans and take action to engage those under-represented. We are soliciting help from within and outside of our organization. As a committee we are dedicated to exploring and implementing ways to encourage and support the underserved community as part of the effort to improve and protect our watershed for all of us.

A culprit found  found in coho salmon deaths

A culprit found found in coho salmon deaths

For decades, coho salmon have been dying before they could spawn in watersheds in Seattle and elsewhere.  Now we know specifically why—new research results point to a contaminant derived from vehicle tires, and the news media have been all over the story this month....
Expanding Our Reach

Expanding Our Reach

This year, TCA initiated the formation of a new nonprofit, the Seattle Watershed Alliance, or SWA. This is a coalition of community-based watershed groups from around Seattle. Its intent is to work on areas of common interest to all such groups and watersheds in this city…