by admin | June 8th, 2017 | Meeting
TCA GENERAL MEETING FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Download (PDF, 7.9MB) Thornton Creek Alliance invites you to attend a special evening with Lynda Mapes ThursdayJune 22nd, 20177:00 pm – 9:00 pm* Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, 10005 32nd Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98125...
by admin | March 18th, 2016 | Meeting
by admin | January 22nd, 2014 | Meeting
Thornton Creek Renovation Projects AT A PARK NEAR YOU!!! Learn about important renovation projects, planting details, community benefits, and how you and your family can volunteer to get your hands dirty. Presentations include – Jason Sharpley, Project Manager,...
by admin | October 29th, 2013 | Meeting, News Article
by admin | June 23rd, 2013 | Meeting
TCA has reached 200 ‘Likes’ here on Facebook! Join us for our next meeting, Thursday, June 27th, 7:15pm at Meadowbrook Community Center. SPU stormwater scientist Jonathan Frodge will discuss his study’s most recent results regarding human...
by admin | April 10th, 2013 | Meeting
Repaving 125th Street Art Brochet of Seattle Department of Transportation will speak about the repaving of 125th NE that is expected this year. Here is the link for the project. This could include some of Sand Point Way, and will not involve...
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