Encounter with a beaver; at Beaver Pond Natural Area

Encounter with a beaver; at Beaver Pond Natural Area

She was standing on the edge of the pavement, looking intently down into the weeds and brush filling the roadside ditch. Getting closer she began gesturing and pointing into the weeds. When we approached to within speaking distance, she pointed into the ditch announcing in quiet voice; ”beaver”.

Thornton Creek Natural Drainage System Project

Thornton Creek Natural Drainage System Project

Thornton Creek Natural Drainage System Project click to download (pdf) SPU is working on a project to install natural drainage systems in the Thornton Creek basin. These systems consist of shallow depressions in the public right-of-way, or “planter strip,” filled with...
Thornton Creek Natural Drainage System Project

Meadowbrook Pond Facility Rehabilitation Project

 Meadowbrook Pond Facility Rehabilitation Project  click to download (pdf) Meadowbrook Pond is a Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) stormwater detention and flood control facility located at 35th Ave NE, between NE 105th and 110th streets. It provides multiple...