Happy New Year! A Look Back and What’s Ahead
The year 2022 seems to have just flown by, due in a very large part to the dedication and accomplishments of our hard-working board members. With the year almost over, there is little time to reflect – work on ongoing projects will continue, as well as the...
Message from TCA Board President Dan Keefe
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and introduce TCA’s newly elected officers and at-large board members – as well as provide a brief overview about what our board’s engaged in, including an unprecedented opportunity to apply for rather large King...
Channel Clearing & Sediment Removal for Flood Control from Kramer Ck. and South Fork Thornton Creek near Nathan Hale HS.
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is responsible for maintenance work on the City of Seattle’s waterways. Thornton Creek, as many know, is the largest of the urban drainages in both Seattle and Shoreline. Much of the maintenance revolves around keeping the channel open and flowing relatively unobstructed to minimize flooding in low lying residential areas.
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