2014: Knickerbocker Reach Floodplain Project

[gdlr_portfolio category=”knickerbocker-reach-floodplain” num_fetch=”8″ num_excerpt=”20″ portfolio_style=”classic-portfolio” portfolio_size=”1/1″ thumbnail_size=”post-thumbnail-size”...

2014: Thornton Creek Confluence Updates

August 18 Construction Update The project reached a milestone earlier this week when the north branch of the creek was reconnected to the main stem, marking completion of in-water work on the north branch and main stem. This brings us one step closer to project...

2014: Seattle Tree Map has taken flight

One of the many trees along Greenlake On March 1st, Seattle Audubon officially launched the Seattle Tree Map, a website that allows users to contribute to urban forest monitoring and conservation through a shared inventory of our city’s trees. They rely on...