Knickerbocker Reach Floodplain

The Confluence Project gets all the press, with its multi-million dollar price tag, conspicuous construction, and extreme traffic impacts but for my money the coolest restoration happening in the Thornton Creek Watershed right now is the Knickerbocker Reach Floodplain Project.
— October 2nd, 2014

Knickerbocker Reach Floodplain

by | October 2nd, 2014 | 0 comments

Project Description

The Confluence Project gets all the press, with its multi-million dollar price tag, conspicuous construction, and extreme traffic impacts but for my money the coolest restoration happening in the Thornton Creek Watershed right now is the Knickerbocker Reach Floodplain Project.

Where once was a tightly armored channel bordered by the rubble of residental fill, there now is broad floodplain, a creek with deep pools, aerating riffles, and ripirian wetlands. Magnificent!

Terraforming wraps up soon, with lots of planting to continue into the fall..


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