Jackson Park Work Party

Bring your gloves and gear... Work Party! at Jackson Park.

Kramer Creek Work Party

Bring your gloves and gear... Work Party! at Kramer Creek.

Opt Outside Day

Opt-out of the madness of Black Friday shopping and do something, anything, in the great outdoors!

Jackson Park Trail Work Party

  Meet Forest Steward Elly at the white sculpture near the trail kiosk NE 135th and 11th NE), where you’ll load up and go to the work area from there. Come masked, and please remember your gloves, water, and snacks/lunch. Dress for the weather and wear long sleeves and pants. Tools and guidance will be […]

Northacres Park Work Party

  Meet Park Steward Tim at the basketball hoop/spray park next to the playground and restroom. Wear weather appropriate layers including rain gear if necessary. Bring a full water bottle and your own work gloves if you have them (otherwise they will be provided). All tools are provided as is coffee/tea and snacks during mid-event […]

TCA Board Meeting

  The TCA Board is comprised of 5 officers and 9 members at large. The current officers are President Dan Keefe, First Vice President Jeff Laufle, VP Membership Ruth Williams, VP Programs Judy Olson, Secretary Richard Newman, and Treasurer Gary Olson. The members at large are: Annie Fanning, Dass Adams, Garet Munger, Jessica Yellin, John […]

Northacres Park Work Party

  Please join us as we improve wildlife habitat and trail corridors for park users. The focus is on slow and careful work by folks who want to learn about and support the urban forest. No experience is necessary and all are welcome and encouraged to join regardless of age or ability! Specific work will […]

World Wetland Day

  Per website: "A call to take action for wetlands is the focus of this years’ campaign. It's an appeal to invest financial, human and political capital to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing and to restore those we have degraded."

Seattle Urban Forestry Commission via webex

  The Urban Forestry Commission advises Seattle’s Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. Regular UFC meetings are held on the first and second Wednesday of the month, from 3 PM to 5 PM.

Kramer Creek Work Party

  In February, no official work parties are scheduled; only impromptu. Before coming, please check with Nicole McCormick (nicolevmccormick@gmail.com) or Dan Keefe (papadadan44@gmail.com).

Seattle Urban Forestry Commission via webex

  The Urban Forestry Commission advises Seattle’s Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. Regular UFC meetings are held on the first and second Wednesday of the month, from 3 PM to 5 PM. To join […]

Lake City Neighborhood Alliance meeting

  Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82404521551?pwd=UTRGdnJIU0NhaW96Nzg4c0wyTzhsUT09 Meeting ID: 824 0452 1551, Passcode: 067218 One tap mobile: +12532158782,,82404521551#,,,,*067218# US (Tacoma) Agenda items: Sound Transit and Metro public transportation in Lake City, Update on Lake City Community Center, New 46th District Map; Round Robin: Lake City Information and Announcements

TCA Community Science E.coli Sampling

  Collect water samples for E. coli analysis from 12 to 13 sites in the Thornton Creek drainage. Every other Saturday morning, three teams collect water from their respective sampling sites in Thornton Creek and Little Brook Creek. The samples are processed, incubated and counted by one of the team members. Results are entered on […]

Edge of the ‘Shed: Licton Springs Park Activities

  Have fun and help contribute to a healthy environment at Licton Springs Park. Depending on the time of year we will be weeding, planting, mulching, and doing other plant maintenance work.

Kramer Creek Work Party

  In February, no official work parties are scheduled; only impromptu. Before coming, please check with Nicole McCormick (nicolevmccormick@gmail.com) or Dan Keefe (papadadan44@gmail.com).

Northacres Park Work Party

  Please join us as we improve wildlife habitat and trail corridors for park users. The focus is on slow and careful work by folks who want to learn about and support the urban forest. No experience is necessary and all are welcome and encouraged to join regardless of age or ability! Specific work will […]

Great Backyard Bird Count

  Per website: "This year we are celebrating 25 years of coming together to watch, learn about, count, and celebrate birds."

3rd Saturday Restoration at Jackson Park Trail

  Join us to restore natural areas along the trail next to Jackson Park Golf Course. You'll discover sweet patches of forest and hear birdsong while you work!